Work Experience

Off Campus Education

Off Campus Education

McCoy High School - Office Located next to counselor at front of school

Work Experience (WE) and Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP)

Mrs. Shulson (WE/RAP) 306 661-0662

In Alberta, there are a variety of off-campus education courses and programs. These include Work Study, Workplace Readiness/Practicum, Work Experience, Career Internship, and the Registered Apprenticeship and Green Certificate programs.

Off-campus education is an experiential method of learning that integrates a student's classroom studies with recognized on-the-job work experiences. Off-campus education programs are based on a partnership involving the school, the parents/guardians, the student and the employing organization, i.e., business, industry, government or not-for-profit agency, with each of the partners sharing the responsibility for student growth and learning.

See the links below for additional information regarding off-campus education at McCoy High School.