REC1040: Foundations for Training 1 - 1 Credit
Students apply basic training and movement principles to health-related and performance-related components of fitness training. Students create fitness activities and develop a basic individual fitness plan to achieve goals for health-related and performance-related components.
Prerequisite: None
REC2010: Nutrition for Recreation Activities and Sport - 1 Credit
Students explain the role of food and hydration in helping individuals achieve optimal physical performance for recreational activities and sport. Students acquire knowledge and skills to plan effectively for nutrition and hydration related to a variety of recreational activities and athletic events. Students examine food labeling and the role of recreation leaders and coaches related to promoting nutrition for performance.
Prerequisite: None
REC2040: Foundations for Training 2 - 1 Credit
Students demonstrate training and movement principles related to muscular and cardiovascular development as well as the development of speed, agility, quickness, and flexibility. Students apply safe practices when leading and participating in training exercises and activities.
Prerequisite: REC1040: Foundations for Training 1